Wednesday, October 17, 2007

MSDN code examples are terrible

This is the page that really got my goat. I'll list the relevant parts here for ease of reading.

Page.RegisterOnSubmitStatement Method

Allows a page to access the client OnSubmit event. The script should be a function call to client code registered elsewhere.

   1: '[Visual Basic] 
   2: Dim scriptString As String = "<script language=JavaScript> function doClick() {"
   3: scriptString += "document.write('<h4>' + myForm.myHiddenField.value+ '</h4>');}<"
   4: scriptString += "/" + "script>"
   5: RegisterHiddenField("myHiddenField", "Welcome to Microsoft .NET!") 
   7: RegisterOnSubmitStatement("submit", "document.write('<h4>Submit button clicked.</h4>')") 
   9: RegisterStartupScript("startup", scriptString) 

   1: //[C#] 
   2: void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
   3: { 
   4:    String scriptString = "<script language=JavaScript> function doClick() {";
   5:    scriptString += "document.write('<h4>' + myForm.myHiddenField.value+ '</h4>');}<";
   6:    scriptString += "/" + "script>";
   7:    RegisterHiddenField("myHiddenField", "Welcome to Microsoft .NET!"); 
   8:    RegisterOnSubmitStatement("submit", "document.write('<h4>Submit button clicked.</h4>')"); 
   9:    RegisterStartupScript("startup", scriptString);
  10: } 

Ok, how many things can you find wrong with this simple example?

  1. string concatenating to make a script block

  2. a bunch of totally unrelated code that muddies the point

  3. document.write() - who does that?

  4. VB and C# code don't even match; C# includes the method declaration; VB only includes the method body

  5. scriptString += "/" + "script>"

  6. definition says "The script should be a function call to client code registered elsewhere." but that is not what the example code does

Here's my stab:

   1: //[C#] 
   2: void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
   3: { 
   4:   if (!IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("doClickScriptKey"))
   5:   {
   6:     String scriptString = @"
   7:     <script type='text/javascript'>
   8:         function doClick() { alert('the form is about to submit!'); }
   9:     </script>";
  10:     RegisterClientScriptBlock("doClickScriptKey", scriptString);  //"registered elsewhere"
  11:   }
  12:   RegisterOnSubmitStatement("submitScriptKey", "doClick();"); //"function call to client code registered elsewhere"
  13: }