Friday, May 14, 2010

Repeating and aligning elements using jQuery and CSS

Today I had a need to create a dynamic list of checkboxes, and I wanted them all aligned properly, so the results would look something like this:


The layout was simple with CSS, then I added some jQuery to simulate getting the checkbox items dynamically.


That example produces a list that adjusts appropriately when resized:

image image


Dave Haynes said...

I had a slight problem wrapping the UL with a DIV and setting the background color. No matter what I did, the background color of the list would not change, until I made this change:

.repeater { list-style-type: none; display: inline-block; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; }

"display: inline-block" seemed to be the magical missing piece, but the padding and margins were jacked up from browser to browser, so I set them all to 0.

This seems to work for me in IE8, IE8 in IE7 compatibility mode, FF3, and Chrome4. Not sure about IE6.

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